About Us

We would like to thank you for visiting our website and invite you to come to the Club and check it out!

The Temecula Valley Alano Club is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide a safe environment for those that have a desire to recover from alcoholism, addictions and codependency.

We are supported through community contribution, club memberships, and fundraisers.

Our primary purpose is to help others to achieve a new life and a new freedom.

A place where everyone is welcome

Alcoholics Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Anyone wanting information on recovery

Alano Club Board Meetings

The Alano Club Board Meetings are held the Second Tuesday of each month at 5PM. All Members in good standing are allowed to join and participate. All others are allowed to join and listen in. There is a Zoom connection to this meeting: ID – 817473320 PW: 507868

Link to Meeting Minutes and Financials

Bi-Laws of the Alano Club

The Alano Club Board of Directors

Richard B- President
Ray G – Vice President
Julie P – Treasurer
Jenna L – Secretary
Angie T
Matt L
Mike D